Symptoms and treatment of intestinal worms in children

Wolf children – are faced with this problem, almost all parents. The parasite enters the body, ways that a violation of the working of internal organs and systems, products, and provoke the development of their life, poisoning and allergies.

Most often, children infected with different types of worms, infection occurs through failure to comply with hygiene rules during the household items. The incubation period is 3 to 6 weeks, during this time, the number of parasites increases significantly, which leads to the emergence of negative symptoms.


How intestinal worms infection:

  • eating dirty water, unwashed fruits, vegetables, and fruit;
  • contact pets and homeless animals;
  • flies, mosquitoes tolerate egg parasites;
  • games, dirty sand, soil;
  • infection intestinal worms are dying, making contact – in the life of the egg in the external environment (if an object that a child will get dirty, then the money never changed hands, mouth, parasites of the digestive system the basis);
  • the use of products, without appropriate heat treatment;
  • intrauterine infection from the mother.

Worms infected with the main route – fecal-oral, dirty hands into the larval body, with food and water.

Most important symptoms and helminth findings

Helminthiasis symptoms connected residential parasites, parasite infection, often mixed with symptoms of cold, poisoning, intestinal infections, allergies.

  1. Blood flow to liver and lung roundworm fall with gastric, intestinal 3 weeks later return migration.
  2. Pinworm eggs creep to adjourn the anal area, therefore live and genital.
  3. Interference effects the liver and pancreas of some sort.
  4. Some types of tapeworms can penetrate the brain tissue.

Understand how a child of the Wolf:

  • long-term constipation – intestinal parasites clusters;
  • chair of disorder – Wolf makes it faster and easier to produce a special enzyme to digest, a person, not going out to eat with plenty of cooked;
  • bloating – gas continues to worm outbreaks a few months;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, increased saliva;
  • sudden decline or increased appetite, weight gain, this is reduced in any way;
  • irritable bowel syndrome – rear-inflammatory processes of the digestive system organs developing long worm invasions;
  • Parasites
  • abdominal pain – often in a localized area, belly or under the ribs on the right side;
  • anemia, vitamin deficiency – Wolf to absorb nutrients, prevent the normal absorption in the body suffer from a lack of vitamins and trace elements;
  • Nov and pain in joints;
  • dermatological problems, background, product life, a strong body poisoning helminth – treatment, acne, urticaria, diyatez;
  • corruption, nail, hair;
  • cough, headacheand other symptoms, colds, sinusitis, lymph glands.

The mental and emotional state is changing and the worm outbreaks is the baby cranky, restless, disturbed sleep, young people, resulting in the depressed state.

Helminthiasis symptoms depending on the type of noise

Some varieties of the common symptoms of worms provoke the emergence of specific symptoms.

Enterobiasis a

An infection occurs intense, unbearable itching, and anal region is increased, the baby wakes up frequently during sleep, increased fatigue worsens memory decreases, and school performance. Pathology of enuresis is often accompanied, in girls developing inflammatory diseases, reproductive system, probably a strong infection an inflamed appendix.

Enterobiasis anal itching can cause


Especially acute self-in young children, the temperature rises up to 38 degrees with visible background noise of the invasion, Orange sputum dry cough, sometimes the observed increase in lymph nodes, spleen, liver. The emergence of an important symptom, skin rashes and stop the brushes.

A opistorxoz

Observed long-term expression to higher values as the temperature increases allergic reactions like joint pain.


Accompanied by a strong cough, choking episodes, plenty of itchy rashes, defeat, the cornea, the eye.

A child often sick, colds, pathology, bad amenable to medical treatment, perhaps the reason causing unpleasant symptoms intestinal worms infestation. Help the diagnosis of parasites fully.

The Wolf Children tests

Basic diagnostic stool analysis and scraping method, but such a method provides only a small amount of noise to get to know, if it's negative, but a more complete investigation of the child's current symptoms of helminthiasis must pass.

Research methods:

  • anal scraping with adhesive tape folds – in the morning wash the child's bowel empty;
  • three times at intervals of 5-7 days to make an analysis of the program co;
  • clinical blood analysis – single eosinophil count, haemoglobin level, and;
  • chest X-ray sputum study – questionable presence of parasites in the organs of the respiratory system;
  • MRI, SA, an ultrasound can be seen in Helminth brain, liver, lung.

Will give you an opportunity to understand clearly that to computed tomography — worms, or don't

Worm invasions most reliable diagnostic methods – ELISA, detection of antibodies and antigens, blood parasites, only concentration levels. Reliability analysis – 95%, to determine the presence of any helminth, regardless of their location localisation. To find out the results in 2-3 days.


The main advantage and parasites find a method already after a few hours the symptoms of infection the first symptoms of helminthiasis.

Babies rarely suffer from the risk of worm infestation children aged 2-7 years. Babies are parasites that may infect family members only.

How to display the wolf in the boy's House?

In determining the child immediate medical treatment to prevent the development of serious complications of parasites to begin. Optionally, you can apply a treatment method tools, alternative medicine.

First aid

What can do the most good, mom, if you suspect parasites in children – contagious or visit the pediatrician. Antiparazit to buy no prior diagnosis of any strong tool pointless and dangerous.

The results of the analysis can be done only symptomatic treatment.

If vomiting, diarrhea, no need to rush drugs, trying to get rid of the body in this way only unnecessary the only child more fluids to prevent dehydration.

Drug treatment

Antiparazit forming worm infestations basic treatment drugs, produce drugs in pill form, suspensions in the form of a rectal suppository allow you to take the baby to a safe and Effective Drug any age.

Additional products worm outbreaks:

  • torrent speed up the process, you can clean up the body, restoring the balance of intestinal microflora;
  • when prescribing drugs for parasites cholagogue, liver, gall bladder;
  • laxatives constipation, eliminate parasites contributes to removal;
  • drug restore functions for the digestive system;
  • antihistamines;
  • multivitamin complexes.

Most drugs does not affect the livelihood of egg parasites, you will need to take medication three time at intervals of 15-20 days. If a child must go through detection studies helminthiasis treatment of all family members at the same time.

Folk remedies to combat helminthiasis

Alternative medicine techniques help cleanse the body, eliminate toxicity, reduce the inflammatory process manifestation, to strengthen the immune system. But only with your help, people's recipes to get rid of intestinal worms completely is difficult, and often impossible, it is reasonable to combine taking medication.

Simple recipes home remedies:

  1. Pour 220 ml of water, 20 grams flax seed, let it sit for 30 minutes. Drink 100 ml before breakfast and dinner for a week.
  2. Pour 280 ml of boiling water 1 tablespoon chopped daisy flowers to leave in a closed container until it cools. All servings medication, but continue the treatment for days to 5 days. This is the most secure means to restore the function of helminths after digestion.
  3. Mugwort Brew 1 tea spoon dried powder to 500 ml boiling water, cool, strain. Child drink a 20 ml three times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  4. 5 kg of fresh sorrel pour 1 liter of boiling water, drain the mixture to a boil in a water bath for 2 hours. Admission 2 sip before each meal.
  5. Clear medium pomegranate, peel, finely chop and pour 500 ml of water, boil on low heat for 30 minutes. Drain, divided 3 pieces, servings of 1 child every half hour. After 3 hours, drink a laxative.
Flax seed

Bad in life, most parasites in the acidic environment, treatment of worm infestation in open menu sauerkraut, natural fruit juices, acidic fruits and fruit. Speed up the process, clean up, fresh carrots or its juice helps to strengthen the immune system. Therapy completely give up carbs and fast cooking time.

Prevention of worm infestation of children

To reduce the risk helminthiasis in the previous year the child adhere to the Basic Rules of hygiene – wash your hands frequently and thoroughly, after the street, going to the bathroom, before meals and contact with the animal. Because it's not dirty hands, face, pulling, fingering, mouth any object.

Prevention methods:

  • never a child to raw water, the appropriate heat treatment products;
  • hot water to wash all vegetables and fruit, if at all possible, roasting, soda solution for 7-15 minutes suck too contaminated products;
  • enjoy a walk, and a napkin with a spray antiseptic;
  • toenails are cut short to the child;
  • swim in fresh water to avoid stagnant water;
  • defending products, fly home, there in the street;
  • handle, leather, clothing, mosquito repellent;
  • processing antiparasitic pet regularly.

Important! Doctors are always arguing for the feasibility drug prevention worm invasions. Some experts drinking preparations for all children of pre-school and primary school age twice a year, other paediatricians because of the parasites against toxic against such a method, it's impossible to predict, when it happens the infection.

Kurt, common in children, early diagnosis and rapid eliminate the parasites during drug therapy. Purchase in pharmacies without a prescription pharmaceutical to deal with the vermin, but self-dangerous – in the wrong dose may cause defects, brain, nervous system, kidney, liver.